Welcome to Billerica Youth Soccer!

SPRING IN-Town Registration Waitlist ONLY!

Registration for our spring season (April-June) for in-town programs (Pre-K - 8th grade) is closed and only accepting waitlist additions.

Register in the PlayMetrics app for the easiest access, or use the link below.

In-town Registration

You register for the program based on the grade your player is currently in school - for Pre-K, your player must be STARTING Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 to be eligible.

Reminder - current travel players DO NOT register again - your program is a whole year (Sept-June) program and you are already paid for the entire year when you accepted your spot way back in the summer!

BYSA Gear Store open!

We finally have a full time gear store for players, families, and fans!

Shop early and often!

BYSA Gear Store

Now Accepting!! BYSA Scholarship

Calling all Seniors who play or have ever played for BYSA! We are now accepting applications for the 2025 BYSA Scholarships.

Seniors currently attending Billerica Memorial High School and Shawsheen Technical School are invited to complete the scholarship application and return it no later than March 21, 2025.

BYSA Scholarship Application

BYSA is one of the largest youth soccer organizations in Massachusetts, serving over 2,000 youth players from age 3-14.

We are proud of the players, coaches, and parents who make us so successful year after year.

Our mission is to promote "The Beautiful Game" of soccer in a fun, supportive, progressive and technically challenging environment, to foster a lifelong love of the sport.