BYSA Fields


VPP Fields

Farm Road/Treble Cove Rd Billerica, MA 01862

U10 and In-Town (lower fields) | Upper Fields under Renovation - 9v9 relocated to Marshall Middle School - see below

Enter parking at driveway across from Billerica House of Corrections. Walk up access road.

Field Map


Akeson Fields

780 Boston Road Billerica, MA 01821

U-6 & U-8 Intramural, U-10 Travel

Fields are located @ 780 Boston Rd - Enter through office park, park in parking lots next to office building & walk down dirt road to field

 Field Map


Dutile School Field

10 Biagiotti Way Billerica, MA 01821

U14 - 11v11

Field is 100 yards down path through the woods to the left of the parking lot.

Field Map


Locke Middle School

110 Allen Rd Billerica, MA 01821



Marshall Middle School

15 Floyd St Billerica MA 01821

Park in lot by roller hockey rink - walk up paved road.

No Parking at field - handicap drop-off ONLY.

Field Map


Billerica Memorial High School

35 River ST Billerica MA 01821

2 turf fields - Stadium, and River St Field

Parking in school lots from River St entrance for both.

Field Rules

BSYA, in conjunction with the Town of Billerica, and the Billerica School Department, invest heavily in the upkeep of the various fields and facilities in use for soccer activities. We ask all visitors to abide by these rules to ensure the long term viability of our collective investments, and for the safety and comfort of our players and fans.

  • All fields are PET FREE. While your pet may be a beloved member of the family, other children and guests may not feel the same way towards Fido. Additionally, animal waste is harmful to the playing surfaces.

  • All fields are SMOKE FREE.

  • No fires are permitted.

  • Carry out what you carry in. Collect trash, water bottles, wrappers, etc. and remove from the playing fields. Strive to leave the field in better shape than you found it.

  • Players will sit on one side of the touchline, fans on the opposite. You may be asked to move - please do so without complaint - it is for the safety of the players.

  • Please sit at least 6 feet from the touchline. Balls and players will come across the line, sometimes at high speed. Give the players and yourself some space to minimize collisions and injuries.

  • We expect visitors to follow all local and state laws that restrict certain activities beyond those stated above if the field located on Billerica Public School property. If you are on school grounds, MA State law and local school rules apply.

  • Billerica Youth Soccer follows Mass Youth Soccer’s Codes of Conduct that applies to any person attending a game or practice.

  • Report any safety hazard or other field issue to a coach, referee, any Board Member, or via our contact page.