
New to BYSA? Check out the links under the Information Center for important information and helpful hints to make the season a success for you and your player.

New to soccer? Check out our Soccer 101 section in the Information Center!

We are always looking for coaches, especially between the Pre-K to U8 programs. Consider volunteering - it's fun, rewarding, and you get to spend even more time with your children, doing something fun!

The Fall season usually starts the weekend after Labor Day, skips Columbus Day weekend, and ends the Saturday before the clocks change.

The Spring season usually starts the second or third weekend in April (weather and field conditions permitting), skips Memorial Day weekend, and ends around the same time as school ends or 10 weeks.

BYSA uses the same cutoff of 8/31 as Billerica Public Schools to determine their eligibility, so your player will play with peers in their grade once they hit school age. Your child must reach this age threshold by the start of the Fall season. You can think of our seasons (fall and spring combined) as a school year - you match the grade you are in between Sept. and June to the program you are eligible for soccer.

BYSA offers the following programs each season*:

Instructional ProGRAM:

Our Instructional Program welcomes children in the following age brackets:

  • Coed Pre-Kindergarten - must be entering BPS Kindergarten in the fall of 2025

  • Coed Kindergarten - must be entering BPS Kindergarten (or eligible) in the fall of 2024

The Instructional programs run on Saturdays, with a single 1 hour event each week. There are no make up dates if events are cancelled during a season.

Intramural Program

Our Intramural Program welcomes kids in the following age brackets:

  • Grade 1 Boys/Girls

  • Grade 2 Boys/Girls

  • Grade 3/4/5 (U11) Boys/Girls

  • Grade 6/7/8 (U14) Co-ed

The Intramural programs usually have a single weekday practice at night, on a night of the coach’s choosing, and/or a academy style session where all players of the same division attend to learn technical skills. Each team has 1 game per weekend on Saturday. There are no make up dates if events are cancelled during a season.

Travel Programs

Our Travel Programs place players via tryouts (held in May/June) into the following brackets to compete in the Middlesex Youth Soccer League:

  • Grade 3/4 (U10) Boys/Girls

  • Grade 5/6 (U12) Boys/Girls

  • Grade 7/8 (U14) Boys/Girls

Tryouts happen in May/June for the following season. Travel soccer is a full year (fall and spring season) commitment, as our league does not allow roster changes in between seasons for competitive fairness reasons.

BYSA organizes our travel teams by grade, so while a team plays in a division where 2 grades are combined, we attempt to make teams made up of a single grade where possible (3rd grade, 6th grade, etc.), but do combine grades within a bracket when necessary.

Travel teams practice twice a week, and have 1 game per weekend, with approximately 50% of them in surrounding towns as part of the Middlesex Youth Soccer League. Make-up games are scheduled for cancelled games, and in the spring post-season tournament play is an option if a team qualifies.

Information Center

General Registration Information

BYSA uses August 31st as the cut-off date when determining divisions - the same date Billerica Public Schools uses for grade divisions, ensuring that your player will play with their peers.

* Programs run based on minimum enrollments, so not all programs will run every season.