The Field

The field (or as it's called everywhere else - the pitch) is where the game is played. Knowing the parts of the field is the first step to understanding the rules of the game. Not all youth fields will have all these markings, but as the field sizes increase with the age of the player, more and more will appear.

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Parts of the Field:

  • Touch line - NOT a sideline - the easy way to remember this name is if the ball goes over this line, the players touch the ball with their hands to restart (throw-in).

  • Goal line - 3 outcomes if the ball passes over this line - 2 if the ball does not end up in the goal:

    • If the offensive team last touches it, then the play is restarted with a goal kick.

    • If a defensive player last touches it, the play is restarted with a corner kick.

    • If the ball completely crosses this line, and it's in the goal, it's a goal!

  • Center Spot - the ball is placed here at the start of the game, start after halftime, and after each goal.

  • Center Circle - the team without the ball at any of the Center Spot restarts cannot be inside the Center Circle until the ball is kicked.

  • Center Line - divides the field in half. Players on opposite teams must not cross this line on restarts from the Center Spot until the ball is kicked.

  • Corner Arc - on a corner kick restart, the ball must be kicked from inside this arc.

The area around the goals have multiple markings. Depending on the age of the players, some or all of these markings may be present. The dimensions will also be different for the various age appropriate sized fields, but many times the full size names may be heard (6 yard box, 18 yard box, etc.) to refer to these areas.

  • Penalty Area - this larger area (on full size fields, 18 yards out from the Goal Line) serves multiple purposes:

    • The area defines where the goalkeeper may touch the ball with his/her hands. The goalkeeper may leave this area to play with their feet like any field player, but if they touch the ball with their hands outside the Penalty Area it is a foul.

    • If the defensive team commits a foul on an offensive player in this box, the referee can award a Penalty Kick.

    • If a Penalty Kick is awarded, all players except the goalkeeper and the kicker must stand outside this area until the kick is taken.

  • Goal Area - this smaller area inside the Penalty Area may not exist on smaller youth fields. It's primary purpose, besides giving goalkeepers a reference point, is that the ball must be placed inside this area to restart from a Goal Kick. Because it extends 6 yards from the goal line, it is commonly referred to as the "6 yard box."

  • Penalty Spot - if a Penalty Kick is awarded, the ball is placed on this spot for the attempt.

  • Penalty Arc - during a Penalty Kick, all players must be 10 yards from the ball. Being outside the Penalty Area is enough in most areas, but in the middle of the Penalty Area, it's actually closer than 10 yards, so the Penalty Arc comes into play only during a Penalty Kick. Fouls in the Penalty Arc do not result in a Penalty Kick.

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